Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Project Galileo

The Galileo positioning system, referred to simply as Galileo, is a proposed Global Navigation Satellite System, to be built by the European Satellite Navigation Industries for the European Union and European Space Agency (ESA) as an alternative to the United States operated Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Russian GLONASS. Galileo will make Europe more autonomous from the other world (espescially from USA).

The Galileo system will consist of 30 satellites. First Galileo satellite (it weights 600kg) was sent to the space in 2005. As a reaction to the starting of Galileo U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense sent a letter to his European colleagues; in the letter it was said that the Galileo system can be a threat to US security when it is in wrong hands – it was logical reaction against the monopol-crushing competitor.

According to the latest news the European Union said that Europe's $4.9 billion satellite navigation system Galileo is in deep crisis and will require more public funds to get back on track. "Galileo is in a profound and serious crisis. Galileo has already seen major delays because the eight companies in the consortium are arguing over how to divide the workload. We're in a dead-end street," said the German Transport Minister Tiefensee. "The cardinal problem is that the companies still have not been able to agree on the way forward. We need to find an alternative solution.” He is also sure that the system will be not completed before 2012 (Galileo was originally to have started launching its 30 satellites -- compared to GPS's 24 -- by 2008. however, that date was postponed to 2011 due to previous disagreements between EU governments on how to pay for the system).

In my opinion it would be stupid if the project stucks in finacial questions. Somewhere it was said that the entire cost of project Galileo is the same as the cost of ca 150-200 km highway – Isn’t the project worth of 200 km highway? EU should take the weight and bring this project to a succsessful end. EU is very good sponsor because it’s a union and it represents the interests of many nations (interestin is the fact that countries like China and South-Corea take part in the project Galileo). Let us hope that the golden mean will be found between the different interests.


Celebrating the Europe Day

We had decided with friends that we have to go and celebrate the Europe Day. But how to do it? I think the thought for that is found very nicely in the post about Tibet. Dalai-Lama has said: "Talk about the situation in Tibet. When more people know about Tibet, then more often one question is going to be asked: When Tibet is going to be free?"
Fortunately Europe is free, but we think that in this day, we should talk as much as we can about this event. What more we talk about it, then more we are going to realize that Europe is all around us. I hope that with today's little journey we have made at least some people to think about the EU.
So we labeled eachother with different things about the EU and Estonia. After that we went to the city and had a big tour, during this we wished everyone good Europe Day and we answered delighted all the questions, which came up.
Happy beginning

Happy beginning.

Curious girls

The first people, who were interested why we are dressed like this. So we explained what we are celebrating. Those girls seemed to be very amused about us.

My cheerful homeroom teacher Tiina Pluum

When we visited the library, then we saw my homeroom teacher. Europe boys brought to her face a beautiful smile.

Sharing the same ideas

Very interesting for us was talking with an old man, who had a slipover, which had big EU stars (mainly in the back). When he saw our cheerfulness, then he happily started a conversation with us and now we know that the differences between our generations aren't so big, as we could think. He said that in his generation he doesn't know a soul, who is against European Union.

Frightened sister

When we started to go back, then we saw Kaarli's sister in the shop. In the beginning she was very frightened about us. But then we explained the goal of our dressing and message- to make people to think about the EU at least for a moment and at the same time announce that today is Europe Day.

The end

The end.

In the evening ended our celebrations about the Europe Day. We were delighted to see clever smiles on the face of the people, when we wished them good Europe day. Nobody bristled at us even once and this was a big and positive experience.

9 May-Europe Day

Today we celebrate the Europe Day and with it our writings end. But why on this date? On the 9-th of May in 1950 Robert Schuman presented the idea of uniting the Europe, this proffer is also known as the Schuman Declaration and it is considered as the beginning of EU.

In a fashion, this day is the symbol of Europe- 9-th of May is the European Day. Also, 50 years have past from celebrating the contract of Rome and some of you have certainly heard that the motto of Europe is "Together since 1957". Actually this sentence is made to celebrate this jubilee. The official motto is “United in diversity”, there is more to read about it in here.

Our blog-team wishes good Europe Day to everybody and we invite you to celebrate it. In Tartu there are several events and we are planning to take part in them.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Intrview with foreign students

With our participation in European Spring Day blog competition we decided to question some foreign students who learn in Tartu University to get a better overview from people who have lived in EU for their whole life.
So after some preparations we could do a small interview with five foreign students. Two of them were from Hungary, two from Germany and one from Holland.
It turned out to be a very successful interview – although they had no time to prepare they still managed to give very comprehensive and interesting answers. So although the clips below are quite long they are certainly worth watching.
All students answered that they came here with the ERASMUS project which is created by European Union to ease students stuyding oppurtunities abroad.
Asking them why Estonia they mostly said that they didn’t know nothing about Eastern-Europe or Baltic States and as they were all interested about this region different routs brought them here.
They also spoke very interesting about life in Estonia and Estonian stereotypes. For example the girl from Holland brought out that although we haven’t been an independent country for even 20 years but our quality of life can already be compared with Holland’s life.
After that our chat carried on to Turkey topic where were some adversative opinions. They brought out some positive and some negative aspects about Turkey joining EU. They thought that first of all Turkey should try to deal with their inner problems – maybe conduct some reformations and arrange an referendum to know if Turkish inhabitants at all want to join EU and after that start to concentrate on filling EU criterions.
Talking about the future of EU they didn’t have much to say as you never know what future brings. However they expected that eventhough the structure of European Union will probably change it will still be there, at least until the end of our generation. Same time they didn’t think that there could be an unified European people who would speak same language and live in same country as all the nations in EU are too different for that.
Watch clips about the interview below.

1. Where are you from? How did EU help you coming coming to Estonia? Why Estonia?

2. What did you know about Estonia before coming here and what do you think about it now?

3. Should Turkey join EU?

4. What will be the future of EU?

Treatise competition "My Europe"

This year, 50 years will pass from the signing of the Rome Treaty. We can say that this treaty was the beginning of the European Union. To celebrate this occasion, there was held a research competition- "My Europe". We are delighted to say that students from our did very well- Tarmo Puolokainen was I and Aire Rihe got the III place. Congratulations!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Our opinion about the EU

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(our blogteam)

Our opinions about the European Union

This year our team takes part in the blog-contest "Europe in united diversity". The project is financed by the EU naturally, but what do the participants think about their bankroller? Not all opinions are positive, as one might expect. Here are our thoughts:

Henrik, Lauri and Maria accentuated, that at first this union had only economical purposes. Henrik and Maria wrote, that this cooperation has expanded to all spheres. Naturally comes up the question "why". Ants answered, that as in previous centuries the countries were unified with the connections between dynastics (marriage, blood relation), nowadays the connecting organ would be the EU. Discourse and transaction are necessary, only its "forms" are different.

The main question to the young in my opinion is: Does the EU have future? "It does!" as sounded our unanimous answer. I personally think, that it is wrong to ask an Estonian wether "the Great Union" has future or not. The answer is obvious: must have! Without this union we have nowhere to head, especially considering present relations between Estonia and Russia. Triinu wrote, that if Estonia would not have the EU behind him, we would be forced to please Russia more and more and finally maybe even be a part of "the Unbeatable Alliance of Free Countries". Even so our beliefs didn`t quite coincide. Liis sees the EU as another alliance, that might or might not have future. It is just a big experiment that has lots of victims. She presumes that the EU would decay as most of unions between different states around the world, but she is not sure. Thinking about the future: what would we do without when the EU really disunifies?

Some memorable quotes as follows:

Estonia as any other member of EU should make concendings and contributions to EU`s future, but as I previously said: I am deeply convinced, that yoining the EU was 100% the right step for us.


I see kind of combined-water-receptacle-efect here: the water level obtains "equal level". By that I mean sharing all the goods (money and the like) inside EU. Present politics supports all the newcomers and someday all our social-economical disparities will be overcomed.


The EU is important to me in every way, because my life and its quality depends on that.


It is the realization and result of ideas.


The EU has influenced us more than we might have expected.


Most of us also mentioned all kinds of projects and student exchanges. A small country like "Estonia would face serious difficulties being alone outside the union" sounded one thought. The conclusion is rather common: most of the bloggers are relatively positive disposed about this economical-alliance. Sure there was critics. I personally am happy that Estonia is part of this big circle of countries, especially having Russia as our nearest neighbour. There is something big, that stands behind us and shows its support to our decisions.

(only Ants is missing from this picutre)

Our wonderful blogteam

Study about the future of the EU

Talking with Toomas Jürgenstein
One fine springday me, Marit and Maria sat down with our religion teacher Toomas Jürgenstein and started a cosy conversation about the EU. Actually the teacher talked and we listened as usually...

In the morning of the 27th April, a little bit confused because of the nights events, I went with Karl to debrief 62 students from two classes(11d, 10a)...

The full interview and results of the canvass are here in Estonian.
11d doing the poll
I can say peacefully that the students of the Treffner's school are satisfied with Estonia joining the European Union. Although bigger half of the students would like to study abroad, they think that Estonian culture would perdure. Also our dear religion teacher was of the opinion that in relation to joining the European Union, our population isn't going to decrease. It was good to read that the students are in the opinion that EU will defend Estonia in case of need( in relation with Russia) and this the Union does.

Popular music in the European Union

Youth of Estonia probably knows many artists from GBR, Scandinavia and Germany. I assume that I’m not wrong if I say the popular music of other European countries is unknown territory for majority of young people (was partly for me too). I think that people should look for different kinds of music and not only listen to so called mainstream pop-music (of course everyone chooses his/her own favourite artists and „that is not someone else’s business”). In my opinion music unites people, when someone listens to „X nation’s” music then he/she probably feels some kind of connection with that „nation X”.
In the following list I introduce some artists from 10 EU countries. The list is subjective, but I tried not to follow my own music taste and chose different kinds of artists. I hope you’ll find something interesting.

1) Manu Chao (he was born in Spain) – his style is latin-folk (King of the Bongo).

1) Vangelis – composer, whose music is a mix of electronical and classical music; he ha been member of several proge-rock bands, for example Aphrodite’s Child (The Four Horseman ). I’m pretty sure that you have heard some of Vangelis’s compositions – especially his film-music(Conquest of paradise ; Chariots of Fire ).

1) Ska-P – band, which plays ska-punk music (Cannabis).

1) Muscovite – band, which makes alternative rock music (Dla Ciebie).
2) Kapela Ze Wsi Warszawa (in English Warsaw Village Band) – their music is mix of polish folk and modern music (In the forest ).

Czech Republic:
1) Tata Bojs – their style is alternative-rock-electronic (Atention Aux Hommes!)..

1) Summoning – they play epic heavy metal music which is inspired by Tolkien’s books (Passing Khazad Dum ).
2) Christina Stürmer – she makes typical mainstream pop-rock music (Nie Genug ).

1) Omega – old band from socialistic era, which makes arenged rock – something like Moody Blues (Gyöngyhajú lány, this song is well-known even in Estonia; mille name of the English version is The Girl With Pearl's Hair).

1) Vive la Fete – they play electronic popular music (Touche le Pas )

1) Madredeus – band which was formed in Ribero (in 1985); it makes folk music (O Pastor).

1) Zucchero – artist with hoarse voice, he sings blues-influenced pop-rock (Blue).

EL-i tegevusest seoses levimuusikaga:

With Breaking the Borders award, the European Commission, in partnership with the European Music Industry and MTV, wishes to celebrate and promote the richness and diversity of European music (information ).
European Music Office (EMO) is closely linked with EU. EMO is supported by European Union, it also manages European projects. On EMO’s webpage it is said: The European Music Office is an international non-profit association bringing together international and national professional organisations, associations and federations from the music sector within Europe. It represents through its members and associates more than 600,000 people from all music genres and sectors (authors, composers, performers, publishers, producers, managers; those involved in live music, education and training, etc.), thus representing nearly all the European music professionals. It is, along with its members and other trade organisations and national institutions, an association that promotes the diversity and represents the interests of European music at European level and worldwide.

Europe diary

Our teacher Aare talking about the Europe diary
Today were handed out European diaries for the three eleventh form (11c, 11d, 11e).
Handing out the diariesThe goal of the European diary, is to help the young Europeans to learn their rights and obligations as consumers. More information about the diary can be found here. The teacher Aare Ristikivi cautioned the children not to loose their diaries, because in the next year, they are going to use them for sure.

We asked from three students, what they think is the goal of the Europe diary.
Ann: To introduse the history of the EU and of course for using.
Lauri ja Karl-Erik: Information about the history of the EU and beautiful pictures. They added that in the diary, there is a huge amount of different information.
When we asked from the students that are they going to use the diaries too, then the answer was unanimous yes.Delighted children with Europe diaries

Our delegation in Helsinki

Today afternoon our delegation went to Helsingi to prepare themselves for the Eurovision song contest, what is held there. Gerli Padar represents Estonia with a song "Partners in crime". Gerli says that she is not very nervous, because as we know, in this contest songs rival with eachother not the singers. Also she said that she has not familiarized herself with other songs in the contest, because she founded that it doesn't give nothing more to her performance.

As we all know, previously Lordi won the song contest with their song "Hard rock, hallelujah". Because of this, this years song contest is held in Finland, in Helsinki Hartwall Arena. Great party for the Europe is going to start in the evening of the 10th May, when in the semifinal the countries are going to start competing for the final place. This event brings behind the TV millions of people around Europe. So let's hope that we are going to do well and maybe Gerli even reapeats her brother's glorious act in the 2001 song contest in Kopenhagen..Gerli Padar

Springday quiz

For the celebration of the Spingday, our teacher Aare Ristikivi took us to fill in the Springday quiz, what is located in:

For the feedback most of the students said that the structure of the quiz was a little bit messy. You answered the question and after that pressed check, but the right answer didn't came.10d doing the Springday quiz

The biggest suprise for the most was that a lot of EU-s money goes to the agricultural policy. A lot of students didn't know that in how many countries euro is used as a currency(majority answered it wrongly).

Because of the dense curriculum we didn't have enough time, to do the two other quizes, what are about EU. But the teacher gave us the links and suggested to do them at home(but it wasn't an obligation).

Springday concert

Dancegroup Tantsutallad
In wednesday we had Spingday concert in our school (one event among celebrations of the Springday in HTG). This concert is a tradition in our school. Also with this concert, schools dancegroup "Tantsutallad" celebrated their 10th birthday and the schools choir celebrated becoming 25 years old.

Choir Anima

Estonia won, Russia got bronze

"Congratulations, comrades Klenski, Zarenkov and other members of the Constitution party and other Notšnoij Pozori activists. Yestarday night you finally showed who you realy are. Or served the beating, shop despoiling and arson historical truth and the protection of the monument, (Bronze Soldier) what you punctuate so much?", this way wrotes Mart Arop in Postimees. In my opinion it sums up all the events in Tallinn and Estonia in last days.

"..It is obvius that something is wrong in our society, when after 15 years of independence, there are still hundreds of youngsters who are ready to kill, rob and beatfor the first call „Rossija! Rossija!“..," he says.Pronze soldier

But Russian media reflects these events very differently. In every stament from Russia, we could feel intense hostility.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow would "take serious steps". Russia's Foreign Ministry did not specify what measures it was considering against Estonia. Lavrov, at a NATO meeting in Oslo, said the issue was of interest to Estonia, Russia and to Europe as it touched on European values.

"We've seen enough of this mocking the dead and scoffing at the victory in World War Two," Russian news agencies quoted Federation Council Speaker Sergei Mironov as telling the chamber

In every sentence, the hostility is clearly stated and even the lies are very obvious( there is no moking about the dead).

CNN wrote frankly about those events fortunately.

German newspaper Handesblatt wrote that when the darkness came, then the Estonian government removed the Bronze Soldier statue.

Austria Die Presse wrote that the Estonian police lost control over the youngster gangs.

France newspapers Le Figaro ja La Liberation were very laconical about the events in last night and noted that Sergei Mironov called to break off diplomatic relationships with Estonia.

Lithuania and Latvia supported Estonia.

Javier Solana (one of the leaders of the EU) also supported Estonia and he disapproved the violence in Tallinn.

The leader of the United Nations Organization Ban Ki-moon called Estonia and Russia to settle their disagreements in the spirit on honour and reconciliation.

Not all the European member countries were in the Estonian side after these events. Russia has still big influence ( mainly because its huge natural resources) and its media published a lot of false information. This false information was quoted by many big European newspapers and wrong opinions about these events came into being.

Attack against R-kiosk
These events have showed that the integration doesnt't work in Estonia and Russia wants to control Estonian politics and their land.
We will survive, because our relic is freedom and judiciousness!

Estonia in European Union- Past to Future

The future of Europe is dependent on the decisions, which have been made in the past, which are made at the moment and those which are going to be made in the future. For Estonia, one very important decision was joining the European Union. Referendum was carried throw on 14. april 2003. In my research I got my information from three Estonian sources(Virumaa Teataja, Pärnu Postimees and Delfi). Distance of time was 01.-13.09.2003 (two days before elections). I divided my work into four main chapters: economical problems, social problems, politics and quotations and opinions about EU.

Full research is available in Estonian here.

I think that we have to look back, for doing the right decisions in the future. The future of the Europe lies in the activity of the citizens.

Bronze Soldier was removed

The statue of a Red Army soldier (the Bronze Soldier) removed from Tõnismäe was, by afternoon today(26.april), relocated to the cemetery of the Defence Forces on Filtri tee. The act was made so quickly, because of the big Russian gathering around Bronze Soldier, which was becoming very violent. Even before this act the Russians started to rob shops and tried to do as many damage to the Estonian Republic, as they could. Disturbances lasted all night.

There was one man dead and 57 (12 of whom were police) left injured in the aftermath of six hours of riots on Thursday night. Rubber bullets and tear gas were used on rioters by police, and nearly 300 people were detained.Russia was so furious over the monument’s removal that they threatened Estonia with punishment on Friday, calling the act “inhumane” and “blasphemous.” The Federation Council, the Russian version of a Senate, called for economic sanctions and a breaking of diplomatic relations with Estonia. The resolution passed unanimously.The rising tensions threaten to create problems between Russia and the European Union, which would be forced to take action in the event that Russia places sanctions upon Estonia. This latest crisis comes on the heels of Russian President Putin’s threat to withdraw from an important arms-control agreement for Europe, which has already put some strain on Russia’s relations with the rest of the Union.The Bronze Soldier is, for many Estonians, a constant reminder of half a century of Soviet occupation. But for Russians, and for many Russian-speaking Estonians, it honors the Red Army forces who liberated Estonia, freeing it from Nazi occupation in 1944.

For free Tibet!

Tibet- so far from Europe. For that reason average European doesn't know much about the mysterious and closed for the West country. Tibet is called a lost country- namely in abiding vasall addiction, Tibet has managed to conserve its exceptional culture- till the 20. century, when Mao Zedong and his overwhelming forces destroyed it in a devastating speed. Even nowadays causeless arrests, beating, excruciation and even execution are the daily working habits of the Chinese authorities. After the year 1949, about 6000 religion centers has been destroyed and over 1,2 million people has been killed. His Holiness The Dalai Lama, who is the spiritual leader of Tibet is in India exile, incapable of return to the land he loves. The Dalai Lama is acknowledged as a honorable and important politician. Even John F. Kennedy thought that communicating with him is a great honour (other west politicians think the same). Alas the temptation of Chinas huge market is a great enticement to the businessmen of West that the politicians dare not to do nothing else than remind the Chinese government The Dalai Lama and Tibet with whom they should start negotiations. XIV Dalai Lama

Fortunately EU is one of those few unions, which are interested abou Tibet.
For example:
“In addition, the resolution calls on the Council Presidency to adopt a Declaration indicating "how the EU could facilitate progress towards a peaceful and negotiated solution for Tibet". Parliament also requests that the Council's annual CFSP report include information on progress in the dialogue.”

Or the organization Students for a Free Tibet:
"Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people to achieve their quest for freedom and independence. We raise political, economic, environmental, and social issues that affect Tibetans living in Tibet and in exile to the government and the public in the UK. As a network of young people around the world, we campaign for fundamental right of Tibetans to independence. We believe that young people can and must take responsibility to change our world for the better!

A refugee from Tibet protesting protesting against Chinese government.

The Dalai Lama: I would remind that it does not matter from which continent we are from, we are still the same people. We all pursue after happines and try to avoid sufferings. We all have the same basic needs and worries. At that we all, people, desire to be free and define as individuals our own destiny.

Estonia has achieved independence, Tibet has not.

"It is very beautiful act, if Estonian republic could invite The Dalai Lama to visit us. This is the last time for us to stop groverling from the communists- this time the communists of China, not only in words, but in actions too!"(Linnart Mäll)

What can an average European to do, to help Tibet? The Dalai Lama has said that talk about the situation in Tibet. When more people know about Tibet, then more often one question is going to be asked: When Tibet is going to be free?
EU should be more active in the Tibet question and it must not be so afraid of China. We have to support Tibet not only in words, but in actions too.

For the peace of the world! For Tibet!
Something to read from the internet: -

Where would like to travel the youngsters?

In april I did a gallup, where the youngsters could choose among four countries, where they would like to travel (Hungary, Bulgaria, England and Denmark). The most popular country was England (56%), 20% of the children prefered Bulgaria. 13% of them prefered rather Denmark and 10% Hungary.


England is the most popular travel destination. The main factor could be the long history, what this country has. Bulgaria was also quite popular, mainly because it joined EU recently and for that reason is more atractive (as a new memberstate).

Answered 30 students in ages11-22.

When they could choose freely, where to travel, then Italy was mentioned most (20%) for its climate. Then came France (16%) because its culture, sightseeings and also for learing France language. Afterwards came (8%) England, Ireland, Portugal and Austria. Also some of the youngsters desired to travel to Romania, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Island, Denmark, Finland and German (4% for each).

Answered 25 students in ages 11-20.

Another union- African Union

The African Union (AU) is an organisation consisting of fifty-three African states. Established in The flag of the African Union2001, the AU was formed as a successor to the amalgamated African Economic Community (AEC) and the Organisation of African Unity (OAU). Eventually, the AU aims to have a single currency and a single integrated defence force, as well as other institutions of state, including a cabinet for the AU Head of State(You could see the similarity with the EU). The purpose of the union is to help secure Africa's democracy, human rights, and a sustainable economy, especially by bringing an end to intra-African conflict and creating an effective common market.

Facts about African Union:
  • Capital is Addis Ababa (in Ethiopia)

  • 53 members

  • The most important institution is Assembly of the African Union

  • Total area is 29,757,900 km² (European union 4 324 782 km2)

  • Population 850 million (in EU ~500 million)

  • GDP per capita $1,896 ( EU-s ~28 213$)

  • The union has its one anthem, symbols (

I think that AU should be more independent. You can say about AU that it is a "loan from the west", what should help Africa to manage by itself. When we are comparing this union with the EU, then it needs to do a lot more reforms. I hope that the future of the AU is bright, but brighter future requires a huge amount of work.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Climate changes and the vision of Europe

An artists visio about the climate change
Did you know that the experts are on the viewpoint that by the year 2071 every second year there may take place a heatwave, what is equal with event happened in 2003, what caused the death of approx 22 000 European people.
The heatwaves are caused by the big amount of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
What does the EU do to solve the greenhouse gase problem?
The union has started several initiatives to execute the Kyoto assignments. In the year 2000 the comission started the European climate change programme, where are ordained the most useful European strategies and measures. The most effective and innovative element is the European greenhouse gas quota swapping what came into force 1. January 2005. This unique system subsumes 11 500 industrial enterprises. Each source of greenhouse gas has a limited right to cast greenhouse gas every year. The opportunity to trade with the quotas lets the enterprises to reduce the amount of casted greenhouse gases with the most successful way.
It is all very nice but Europe is reducing the greenhouse gases whereas the rest of the world is enlarging them. Where is the wider point of the EU action when the rest of the world does not come along.
Great goals have been set but alone Europe can't to anything. In my mind the EU has failed with attracting other countries to the plan of reducing the greenhouse gases.

increasing carbon dioxide concentration

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Economic growth in European regions

International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that this year economic growth in European region will outbalance the growth in USA. It's the first time since year 2001. IMF predicts that economic growth will increase 2,3% in European region and USA will stay on the 2,3% level. Even though in September, IMF prognosticated that USA will have 2,9% increase in those numbers and European regions will have to put up with 2%. However, prognosis say that next year, the positions will be opposite. The economic growth in European regions will remain around 2% and will increase up to 2,8% in USA.

Studentdays 2007 in Tartu

A sign, which invites to celebrate Springdays
Recently Studentdays 2007 started in Tartu. Over the years the main goal of this event has been reminding the university students that they should enjoy their time studing in the University. Although, not all of the events are for university students only. Other students are also free to participate.

Young people! It's good to discuss, think and learn, but we shouldn't forget to enjoy our life. Go outside, enjoy the beginning of the spring and just have fun!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another gallup

According to an enquiry in April - in which 33 youngs (11-12 years old) participated - 91% would concider Estonian joining to the EU rather good, 9% of the selection stood at a neutral postition.

No one thought the decision made in the year 2004 was wrong.For many the EU just means an opportunity to travel and to learn in foreign countries. Most of the young also mentioned the economical and cooperational aspect of the EU. 30% of the students were convinced, that Estonia`s future lies in the EU. In the eyes of the students the EU also means defence, power, money and equality. A small minority remained indifferent towards the EU.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Interesting facts about EU countries

The World Competitiveness Yearbook ranked Austria No. 2 in quality of life,
surpassing the U.S. and Japan.
Belgium is the world’s largest diamond center and second largest petrochemical center.
Cypriot culture is among the oldest in the Mediterranean. By 3700 BC, the island was
well inhabited, a crossroads between East and West.
Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is No. 2 in investment incentives and No. 3 in investment in telecommunications among 60 leading economies.
Denmark is a world leader in energy efficiency and conservation. Today, Denmark is
favored by a flexible and diverse energy supply structure marked by a high percentage
of renewables. Wind energy alone accounts for 20 per cent of the total power
generation in Denmark.
Estonia has had an average growth rate of about 6 percent over the past five years. It is so wired that it is nicknamed E-stonia. Bars and cafes are universally equipped with
wireless connections.
Finland has been ranked the least corrupt country for several consecutive years.
France is the most visited country in the world.
Germany has the world’s third largest and Europe’s largest economy. Germany leads the world in exports; 10.1 percent of world exports come from Germany.
Greece has the largest merchant fleet in the world.Greek-owned ships lead in the world’s merchant tonnage.The Greek fleet accounts for 16 percent of the global shipping force.
Hungary tops the world’s leading trading nations in imports and exports as a share of
Ireland leads the world in high technology exports as a share of total exports. Over half of Ireland's manufacturing exports are high technology products.
Italy is home to the greatest number of sites on UNESCO’s world heritage list.
Cell phone coverage is available over 99 percent of Latvia’s territory.
Lithuania is the largest EU contributor to the NBA: 6 players this year.
Luxembourg ranks as the world’s top city for personal safety and security.
Malta welcomes 1.2 million tourists a year (triple its population of 400,000).
The Netherlands
The Dutch are strong inventors and developed the compact disc, the microscope, and
the artificial heart.
Polish glass makers built and operated the first factory in the New World, in
Jamestown, Virginia, in 1608.
Portugal could become the world's 10th largest tourism market by 2020, attracting
almost quadruple the current number of tourists, according to the World Tourism
Organization. Wine tourism is growing at a strong 7 to 12 per cent a year in Europe,
and Portugal is one of the main destinations. Portugal’s annual income from the golf
industry represents 1.25 per cent of national income and 14 per cent of all income from tourism.
The hill known as Krahule near the town Kremnica, Slovakia, is the geographical
center of Europe.
Slovenia's Port of Koper on the Adriatic Sea provides a 7-10 day shorter route for
shipments arriving from Asia than do Europe's northern ports.
A Spanish company, Abengoa Bioenergy, is the second largest biofuels producer in the world.
Sweden is the third largest music exporter in the world, after the U.S. and Britain.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is the largest exporter to the United States and the largest
recipient of U.S. investment in Europe.
Bulgaria is second in the world in international IQ tests and SAT scores.
Romania has been one of the five fastest growing economies in Europe during the last
five years.

Young people are positively disposed to EU

According to the gallup, what was carried out in April among 33 students in ages 11-22, 91% of the students were inclined to think that the fact that Estonia joined with EU is good. 9% of the answerers found that it isn't good but not bad also. None of the students thought that the alligation was negative. For a lot of answerers EU means a simple way to travel or to study in the EU member countries. Most of the young people also mentioned the improving of the economical cooperation and propitiating the international relations. 30% of the students found that the future of Estonia certainly depends on the EU. The answerers also mentioned defence function, power, ascendance, money and equality. Only a measly part of the answerers were indifferent with the EU.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"What to think then..?"

Quote by Kalev Kask (from an article of Saaremaa’s local newspaper. The article itself is here!)

The biggest problems of the EU are related to its bureaucratic leadership, which alienates the politicians from the rest of the people. An average European doesn’t care about what is going on in Brussels.

In general the article is quite pessimistic. The EU can’t be what we want it to be, because of the dissensions between nations. I don’t even know what to say about that. I too have friends from other European countries, and I don’t see any “dissensions between nations”. What matters is the person him (her-) self and his (her) character. I suppose there was meant the dissensions between the politicians, who should speak in the name of the nation, but… history seems to show otherwise.

I thought that perhaps our homeroom teacher would have some interesting things to say about the EU. What is the effect of the EU to our (her students) lives?

Tiina Pluum:

Tiina PluumIn the last ten years while observing my students to grow I dare to argue, that the EU has widened their limits of studying and advancing(in their life) significantly. Sincere interest of the ways different people live and see the world and the ambition to become a personality has forced the young to acquire experiences from different countries. Knowledge acquired as an exchange student, hiker, college student or as a hireling, will raise the person’s comprehension. Esteem and understanding are important values of a person in this globalized world.