The statue of a Red Army soldier (the Bronze Soldier) removed from Tõnismäe was, by afternoon today(26.april), relocated to the cemetery of the Defence Forces on Filtri tee. The act was made so quickly, because of the big Russian gathering around Bronze Soldier, which was becoming very violent. Even before this act the Russians started to rob shops and tried to do as many damage to the Estonian Republic, as they could. Disturbances lasted all night.
There was one man dead and 57 (12 of whom were police) left injured in the aftermath of six
hours of riots on Thursday night. Rubber bullets and tear gas were used on rioters by police, and nearly 300 people were detained.Russia was so furious over the monument’s removal that they threatened Estonia with punishment on Friday, calling the act “inhumane” and “blasphemous.” The Federation Council, the Russian version of a Senate, called for economic sanctions and a breaking of diplomatic relations with Estonia. The resolution passed unanimously.The rising tensions threaten to create problems between Russia and the European Union, which would be forced to take action in the event that Russia places sanctions upon Estonia. This latest crisis comes on the heels of Russian President Putin’s threat to withdraw from an important arms-control agreement for Europe, which has already put some strain on Russia’s relations with the rest of the Union.The Bronze Soldier is, for many Estonians, a constant reminder of half a century of Soviet occupation. But for Russians, and for many Russian-speaking Estonians, it honors the Red Army forces who liberated Estonia, freeing it from Nazi occupation in 1944.

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