In april I did a gallup, where the youngsters could choose among four countries, where they would like to travel (Hungary, Bulgaria, England and Denmark). The most popular country was England (56%), 20% of the children prefered Bulgaria. 13% of them prefered rather Denmark and 10% Hungary.
England is the most popular travel destination. The main factor could be the long history, what this country has. Bulgaria was also quite popular, mainly because it joined EU recently and for that reason is more atractive (as a new memberstate).
Answered 30 students in ages11-22.
When they could choose freely, where to travel, then Italy was mentioned most (20%) for its climate. Then came France (16%) because its culture, sightseeings and also for learing France language. Afterwards came (8%) England, Ireland, Portugal and Austria. Also some of the youngsters desired to travel to Romania, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Island, Denmark, Finland and German (4% for each).
Answered 25 students in ages 11-20.
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