(our blogteam)
Our opinions about the European Union
This year our team takes part in the blog-contest "Europe in united diversity". The project is financed by the EU naturally, but what do the participants think about their bankroller? Not all opinions are positive, as one might expect. Here are our thoughts:
Henrik, Lauri and Maria accentuated, that at first this union had only economical purposes. Henrik and Maria wrote, that this cooperation has expanded to all spheres. Naturally comes up the question "why". Ants answered, that as in previous centuries the countries were unified with the connections between dynastics (marriage, blood relation), nowadays the connecting organ would be the EU. Discourse and transaction are necessary, only its "forms" are different.
The main question to the young in my opinion is: Does the EU have future? "It does!" as sounded our unanimous answer. I personally think, that it is wrong to ask an Estonian wether "the Great Union" has future or not. The answer is obvious: must have! Without this union we have nowhere to head, especially considering present relations between Estonia and Russia. Triinu wrote, that if Estonia would not have the EU behind him, we would be forced to please Russia more and more and finally maybe even be a part of "the Unbeatable Alliance of Free Countries". Even so our beliefs didn`t quite coincide. Liis sees the EU as another alliance, that might or might not have future. It is just a big experiment that has lots of victims. She presumes that the EU would decay as most of unions between different states around the world, but she is not sure. Thinking about the future: what would we do without when the EU really disunifies?
Some memorable quotes as follows:
Estonia as any other member of EU should make concendings and contributions to EU`s future, but as I previously said: I am deeply convinced, that yoining the EU was 100% the right step for us.
I see kind of combined-water-receptacle-efect here: the water level obtains "equal level". By that I mean sharing all the goods (money and the like) inside EU. Present politics supports all the newcomers and someday all our social-economical disparities will be overcomed.
The EU is important to me in every way, because my life and its quality depends on that.
It is the realization and result of ideas.
The EU has influenced us more than we might have expected.
Most of us also mentioned all kinds of projects and student exchanges. A small country like "Estonia would face serious difficulties being alone outside the union" sounded one thought. The conclusion is rather common: most of the bloggers are relatively positive disposed about this economical-alliance. Sure there was critics. I personally am happy that Estonia is part of this big circle of countries, especially having Russia as our nearest neighbour. There is something big, that stands behind us and shows its support to our decisions.

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